Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Why Should We Walk According to P.S. Castrence

   Walking is very essential in our life. According to PS Castrence walking explains something in the persons behavior and feeling. Walking essential to humans. It gives exercise to your muscles and saves money. You can see everything around you when you walk. Every detail it contains and things that is happening. You can do think and see everything when you walk and realize a lot of things. You will know an information by just seeing the person walk. 

      I was awed by the realization that my surrounding is an instrument which communicates life truths and lessons that can strengthen one’s character. The surrounding that most people take for granted is, after all, a silent teacher that one will recognize only if he cares to open his eyes and see beyond what is readily presented on the surface. It is also this surrounding that serves as a serene place for stressed people, like me, to unwind and to think clearly. On top of all of these, the essay added meaning to an action I perform only because it is necessary. It left a lasting impact as it conveyed that walking is tantamount to learning and discovering, not only my environment and society, but more importantly, my individuality. It reminded me that every part of man’s journey here on earth is a learning experience and one has to immerse himself with his surrounding in order to fully develop his character. This essay showed the bigger truth about our lives as Filipinos. From now on, Ill be looking forward to walking the streets of Dumaguete City with utter excitement because the world reveals itself to those who do so. Ill be walking a starting today.

Love Is Not Measurable

Love is not measurable or you can’t measure love. These statement is so common to all of us. So first of all let us define love. Love is certain feeling of attraction towards someone who makes you complete or makes your heart beat fast. Love has no boundaries or limitations. However there are different kinds of love depending on to whom you’re giving it to. There is love towards a pet, opposite sex, material and greatest of all is the love towards God. 

Love is very powerful in all ways. You can’t count the things it can do to a person. Love can change every detail in your life and make it wonderful. Love can add color to your life. The things that love bears are very great. Love shares without doubt and asking something in return. Just making the person you love smile is more than enough. Some people offer unconditional love without thinking about themselves. It’s actually bad for the person who gives love but that just how life is. Love can also cure people. People who give and receive love from each other. However love is like a ghost, which everybody talks about and few have seen its true form. Love is also like a pi its natural, irrational and very important. You can’t buy love, but you can pay heavily for it. 

If you can measure love it only means that you have never fully attained what love can do or what its capabilities are. I mean love can make impossible things possible. Its very immeasurable. We cannot count the blessings that God has showered upon us through our daily lives. Its beyond imaginable and that’s  love.

Monday, May 16, 2016

19 Ways To Know You’re Loved

19 Ways To Know You’re Loved

1. They think about you when you’re not around.

They see a billboard that reminds them of you and they text you. They remember you said you needed dish soap and they bring you some because they were running errands. They think about places you guys could go to dinner tonight and then invite you.

2. They’ll take care of you when you’re sick.

And tell you you’re beautiful even when you look mucus-y and nasty.

3. They listen to you. Really listen.

And respond with thoughtful, relevant insights.

4. They get into your interests and want to share their own with you.

They hate comic books but they’ll come with you to Forbidden Planet. They don’t get sports, but they root for the Giants with you. They’re psyched to show you their stamp collection or take you to an antique show.

5. They plan for the future.

Whether it’s a trip or a concert — placing you in their future means they see a future with you.

6. Your thoughts and opinions are treated with respect.

They never push their views on you or laugh at/dismiss yours, even if they’re wildly different. They should love you for your unique brain.

7. They are eager to help you, and gracious about accepting your help.

If they love you, they want to make your life easier. And if they love you, they should be able to accept help from someone who loves them back.

8. They put your needs above their own.

Not in an unhealthy way, but in a selfless way. (Hopefully, you’re both doing this and it even outs.)

9. You know you can trust them.

You feel safe, heard and secure. Similarly…

10. You never want to break the truth you’ve earned from them.

If someone loves you, they’ve been vulnerable with you. Don’t abuse that.

11. They support you.

They come to your art show. They encourage you to practice with your band. They don’t get jealous or upset when you have to work late. They genuinely want you to succeed.

12. You share a sense of humor.

They think you’re funny. You think they’re funny. That’s true love.

13. They give you freedom to grow.

You don’t feel stifled, stuck or in a rut.

14. You are loyal to each other.

You feel like they are on your team. You’re a partnership. You’re a twosome. You’re in this together.

15. They don’t put you down.

Nagging might be part of The Game handbook, but it’s no good in a relationship. They shouldn’t be putting you down. They should be building you up. If they’re doing anything else, they’re insecure and can’t truly love you.

16. They don’t hide anything from you.

Trust, communication and honesty become more important than anything else. It’s humbling and scary, but if you’re truly loved, it’ll come naturally.

17. You are comfortable being silent or away from each other.

Someone who needs to keep talking or needs to cling to you in social situations might seem like they love you, but they actually just need you. It’s not the same, and it’s not as good. If they love you, you will both be secure in comfortable silence, and have the ability to be apart — but still catch each other’s eyes across the room and just…know.

18. They don’t let you get away with bad habits.

They want you to be your best you and they won’t take you being depressive or hating on yourself. They want you to love yourself, as much as they love you.

19. They tell you that they love you…

…and in your gut, you truly believe them.

20. They will bring you closer to GOD.

This is the best way to know that you are loved. Nothing is more special than a relationship with someone with God between them and their relationship.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Story Of My Life

     My name is Christian John E. Lingao-Lingao. I'm 17 years old. I was born in the Philippines. I live in Candau-ay, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. I'm studying in Negros Oriental State University with the course of Bachelor of Science in Aviation Maintenance. I was born in December 31, 1998. When I was a kid I was pushed to have good grades. Whenever I get an honorable award I would be given a toy or something I want. My parents always give me what I wanted if I continue to be good in school. As time passed by, the results were good. In grade 1 I was first honorable mention and from grade 2 until high school I was 2nd honorable mention. This made me realized that money shouldn't be wasted. I should give my parents the grade they wanted. So I continue to struggle. However in college it was different things were hard and I need to study every day. I need to cope up with the changes. I need to be flexible enough so that I can pass. No one will care for you in college you're probably on your own. Well new friends came while my old friends were still there for me. 
     I don't want to be miserable when I grow up. I want to be successful for my parents and for myself. That's why always strive hard to be better. Somehow lots of temptation came but I get to overcome it with my own will. Also my special someone was always there for me that is why I'm so lucky I have her. We prioritize our study more than anything else. I really want to graduate and enjoy life. I want to have more adventure and continue a new journey. I want to help other people especially those who are homeless. Also one thing that I will never forget was when my dad went to jail because of drug related issues. That's why I hate drugs. I don't drink nor smoke. However the imprisonment of my father was considered to be my inspiration in life. Lots of problems occur especially in financial part. But we managed to live without my father. I hope God will guide me in the things that I do. I'm not good but I will to my best to serve God.

Why I Love My Country Philippines


     Home is a place where most find serenity, a sense of belongingness, feeling of comfort and relaxation, and our heaven here in earth. It is more than just the infrastructure rising from a village with interiors personally handpicked by the owner; like a fairy godmother enchanting a barren place into a majestic kingdom of hers. This is our own kingdom where we are its kings. For Filipinos like me, Philippines is my country, my home, a place where first lessons are learned; how to walk, talk, love and live. This is the abode of my rich history; a witness to my becoming a fine young lad, a land conquered by many aliens yet survived all the wrath and pain, a nation that considers me as a first class citizen. That is why,  Filipinos overseas take time going home because there is no place like home.

     The Philippines also is filled with God given place which takes off your stresses. Where you can relax and enjoy the environment. People also in the Philippines are kind and respectful. I love the hospitality of the Filipinos. It’s very unique that's why lots of foreigners love to have a Filipino companion in their life. Most especially I loved this country because this is where the people I loved also live, the ones who raised me and who guided throughout the years. Who made me smile in every way.

My Future

     First, I want to be a commercial pilot. The salary is really big though. But I really want to be a pilot. After earning money I want to build some businesses so that when I retire I will always have money in my pocket. I wanna build homes for my siblings and most especially for my mom. I will give everything she wants. I will repay everything she did for me. For all her guidance and time. I will also build my own home with a swimming pool and lots of sports cars and motorcycles. Buy the things I want and need. After that if I'm done with my family and myself. I will marry the girl I love. And have kids whom I want to tell my stories when I was a child. I will play with them and etc. I will be the best daddy in the world. I will not leave them and I will protect and guide them in the things they want to achieve. I will teach them to be good to the elders and most especially to respect other people. Lastly I want to help people who are poor. Give them their basic needs. I will lessen their struggles. I will give them job so that they can support their own families. I want to inspire them in all ways that I can. And I want to serve God till my last breath.

Expectation For The New President of the Philippines

     In my own observation, the problem in the Philippines is actually from the past president which is pass on the next president. Some problems were not solved yet but another one will add up to this problems. The general effect of this is straightly going to the people. People are suffering. They don't have food on their tables, money to support their families and some government services are only accessible by the rich people. The government is corrupt. They get money from the people and spend it for their own good. The taxes are not spent for projects. Also the donations from other countries are not given to the people who need it. One example are the Typhoon Yolanda victims they needed shelter, food and clothes. Lots of celebrities and countries donated but the services and goods to be given were not enough. Houses are made out of plywood and it’s easily destructible. The true story is that most of the donations are in the pockets of the government officials. Drugs are all over the country. Youth are also affected because they used drugs. Filipino people don't have any work too some of them are staying at home. The quality of education is not that good enough.

     I expect the president can solve all the problems I mentioned and also some I didn't mention. I want his government to be fair and clean for all types of people. He can discipline the Filipinos. He can help the Filipinos in all ways that he can. He should have an open mind. I hope he wouldn't add up to the problems instead he should solve it or lessen it. I expect the president to be kind and most especially a person who loves God above all.