Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Story Of My Life

     My name is Christian John E. Lingao-Lingao. I'm 17 years old. I was born in the Philippines. I live in Candau-ay, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. I'm studying in Negros Oriental State University with the course of Bachelor of Science in Aviation Maintenance. I was born in December 31, 1998. When I was a kid I was pushed to have good grades. Whenever I get an honorable award I would be given a toy or something I want. My parents always give me what I wanted if I continue to be good in school. As time passed by, the results were good. In grade 1 I was first honorable mention and from grade 2 until high school I was 2nd honorable mention. This made me realized that money shouldn't be wasted. I should give my parents the grade they wanted. So I continue to struggle. However in college it was different things were hard and I need to study every day. I need to cope up with the changes. I need to be flexible enough so that I can pass. No one will care for you in college you're probably on your own. Well new friends came while my old friends were still there for me. 
     I don't want to be miserable when I grow up. I want to be successful for my parents and for myself. That's why always strive hard to be better. Somehow lots of temptation came but I get to overcome it with my own will. Also my special someone was always there for me that is why I'm so lucky I have her. We prioritize our study more than anything else. I really want to graduate and enjoy life. I want to have more adventure and continue a new journey. I want to help other people especially those who are homeless. Also one thing that I will never forget was when my dad went to jail because of drug related issues. That's why I hate drugs. I don't drink nor smoke. However the imprisonment of my father was considered to be my inspiration in life. Lots of problems occur especially in financial part. But we managed to live without my father. I hope God will guide me in the things that I do. I'm not good but I will to my best to serve God.

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