Wednesday, May 11, 2016

My Future

     First, I want to be a commercial pilot. The salary is really big though. But I really want to be a pilot. After earning money I want to build some businesses so that when I retire I will always have money in my pocket. I wanna build homes for my siblings and most especially for my mom. I will give everything she wants. I will repay everything she did for me. For all her guidance and time. I will also build my own home with a swimming pool and lots of sports cars and motorcycles. Buy the things I want and need. After that if I'm done with my family and myself. I will marry the girl I love. And have kids whom I want to tell my stories when I was a child. I will play with them and etc. I will be the best daddy in the world. I will not leave them and I will protect and guide them in the things they want to achieve. I will teach them to be good to the elders and most especially to respect other people. Lastly I want to help people who are poor. Give them their basic needs. I will lessen their struggles. I will give them job so that they can support their own families. I want to inspire them in all ways that I can. And I want to serve God till my last breath.

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